Tuesday, August 27, 2013


We have had an awesome turnout at children's choir and preschool choir rehearsals the last few weeks.  Thank you for bringing your child to rehearsal on Wednesday nights!  We have lots of fun songs and activities planned for the year, and your child definitely doesn't want to miss any of them!  Be on the lookout for upcoming performance details!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back to rehearsal!

Can you believe it...summer is gone and school is now back in session!  That means Children's Choir rehearsals begin soon!  MABC Children's Choir's first rehearsal will be Wednesday, August 14th, which is when Midweek begins.  There are going to be fun Midweek activities between choir and awesome character development with Claire.  There will even be preschool music activities with Zoe Bolen!

Children's Choir will be meeting in the Children's Church room upstairs in the children's building from 6:05-6:50 PM.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone next week!